Spread the Word Nevada

STWN Group Photo

Mariposa Academy couldn't be more grateful to partner with Spread the Word Nevada as they assist in supporting our amazing community through literacy and self-confidence!

Spread the Word Nevada is a children’s lit­er­acy non­profit ded­i­cated to advanc­ing early child­hood lit­er­acy by plac­ing books into the hands and homes of chil­dren within Nevada’s at-risk, low income com­mu­ni­ties. While devel­op­ing a love of read­ing, these libraries pro­mote future aca­d­e­mic achieve­ment and self-confidence, which impacts life­long success.

Since 2001, Spread the Word Nevada has dis­trib­uted more than 7 mil­lion gen­tly used and new books to more than 790,000 low-income youth in Nevada.

Students with take home STWN book bags

Student selecting new book